About JAOC

Just an Ordinary Citizen is a movement that stands for truth and justice in a world full of lies, corruption and misinformation perpetrated by those who wish to imprison us. We cannot rely on those who were meant to protect us and those who are the main stream media communicating carefully orchestrated messages We are a voice for the voiceless, a champion for the oppressed, and a defender of human rights. We are not afraid to speak up, challenge the status quo, and expose the corruption and hypocrisy that plague our society.
We are the voice of every day people who may feel that they are alone but you're not, we have a community based on one common theme freedom is a right for all of us. We are humans who want to ensure the longevity of our people regardless of race, colour , religion or borders
and we will stand and fight with our brothers and sisters across the globe..

Join Just an Ordinary Citizen
Honesty: You are always truthful and transparent in your communication and
actions. You do not hide or manipulate information for your own benefit.

  • Fairness: You treat everyone with dignity and respect. You do not discriminate
    or favour anyone based on their race, gender, age, religion, or any other factor.
    You uphold the principles of equality and human rights. You seek to create a
    level playing field for all.
  • Courage: You stand up for what you believe in, even when it is unpopular or
    risky. You do not shy away from challenges or conflicts. You speak out
    against injustice and corruption. You defend the rights and interests of your
  • Impact: You strive to make a positive difference in the world. You do not settle
    for the status quo or compromise your values.

Truth and Justice – The Power of your Voice


*We respect all members right to privacy we do not share emails or personal data with any external companies or government office or dept.

*To maintain integrity in our work, we do not accept funding from corporations or other organisation.

We rely entirely on your donations and support.Please donate today and help us maintain our human rights.

We have remained steadfast in our pursuit of the truth while others adopt the mainstream narrative.  As global challenges continue to emerge, it is evident that we are engaged in a battle for the future of our families. The integration of AI into every aspect of life, the patenting of voice to skull technology, and the potential connection between our emotions and AI are all steps towards diminishing our capacity to think.

It is now time to take a stand and initiate the fightback with efforts that will spark a movement for change. We are in the process of selecting specific partners that align with our principles, break free from the status quo, and ensure that we all contribute to the positive changes needed.

The prevention of child trafficking and organ harvesting. The ongoing misuse of power in our society must come to an end. The existence of adrenochrome is a reality, and it is our collective responsibility to protect these children.

Our veterans have bravely served and made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. They are unquestionably the backbone of our society, earning the trust of everyone without exception. The support for the initiative has been truly remarkable. Due to the volume of support we will get back to every responder in the coming days. 

Initiatives to enhance food supply and eliminate the reliance on supermarkets are crucial. Supermarkets often drive prices down, causing financial strain on farmers. This leads to a shift towards GMO crops, controlled by patents. Our goal is to disrupt this cycle by offering the public the opportunity to buy directly from suppliers, ensuring transparency in product sourcing.