Publication Date 3rd August 2023

The United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) has confirmed that the fully vaccinated population accounted for 92 percent of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in 2022.

ONS recently published the dataset on deaths by vaccination status in the country from April 1, 2021 up to the end of December 2022.

“May 2021 saw the lowest number of COVID-19 deaths, with 205 among the vaccinated population and just 84 among the unvaccinated population. But a year after, we find COVID-19 deaths increased by 450 percent, with 1,494 among the vaccinated and just 96 among the unvaccinated,” the independent news outlet Expose reported.

From April 1 to December 31, 2021, ONS listed 17,150 deaths, 13,116 of which were among the vaccinated and 4,034 of which were among the unvaccinated. Meaning, 76.5 percent of deaths were among the vaccinated while 23.5 percent were from the unvaccinated population. For the same period in 2022, 17,161 died, which is only an increase of 11 deaths. But the difference is, just 970 of those deaths were among the unvaccinated, while 16,191 were among the fully vaccinated.

The agency also provided a statistical record of death by vaccination status from April 2021 to December 2022, where the fully vaccinated population has accounted for 86 percent or nine out of 10 COVID deaths over the past 21 months.

ONS also found 28,041 COVID-19 deaths in the 12 months of 2022. Shockingly, 25,758 of those deaths were among the fully vaccinated population, while just 2,273 deaths were from those who never took the injection. (Related: HOLOCAUST: UK government confirms 1 in 310 boosted individuals died within 48 days of vaccination.)

Medicare data shows COVID-19 vaccines increase risk of dying

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation founder Steve Kirsch recently exposed the reason why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has never made Medicare records publicly available despite them having an access to the data. It is because the records clearly show that the experimental vaccines are really not safe.

Kirsch wrote: “When there is no data transparency, there is a high chance that the government is lying to you. They had access to this data the entire time and kept it hidden and said nothing.”

Medicare is a government national health insurance program that began in 1965 under the Social Security Administration (SSA). It is now administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and primarily provides health insurance for Americans aged 65 and older and some younger people with disability status as determined by the SSA, including people with end-stage renal disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

On Feb. 25, Kirsch got an excel workbook with over 114,000 records of deaths by vaccination status from the Medicare database. He authenticated the data by matching it with records he already had in his possession and concluded that the shots are making it more likely that the elderly will die prematurely and the risk of death remains elevated for an unknown period after being injected.

“In this article, you’ll see why the CDC will never release this data and why the mainstream press is never ever going to ask to see the data; because it would reveal they lied to people and killed over 500,000 Americans by recommending they take an unsafe ‘vaccine,'” he said.

Read more updates on deaths caused by the COVID-19 vaccines on VaccineDeaths.com.

Watch the video below where Steve Kirsch talked about COVID injections killing millions.


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