Edward Joseph Snowden, born on June 21, 1983, is a former American intelligence contractor known for his role as a whistleblower. In 2013, while employed by the National Security Agency (NSA), he disclosed highly classified information that unveiled the existence of extensive global surveillance programs operated by the NSA and other intelligence entities.

His revelations highlighted the significant scope of government monitoring of phone communications, emails, and online activities, igniting a worldwide discussion on the balance between privacy and security. Initially, Snowden sought refuge in Hong Kong before ultimately obtaining asylum in Russia, where he has resided since.

Prior to his whistleblowing actions, Snowden was employed by the CIA and worked with several private contractors, including Booz Allen Hamilton. Despite facing espionage charges in the United States, he remains a vocal advocate for privacy rights and transparency regarding government surveillance practices.

Edward Snowden Permanent Record Me 2019 Pdf
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Edward Snowden Interview The Edited Transcript World News The Guardian July 2014 Pdf
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Verizon 1 Pdf
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Inspectors General Report Unclassified Summary Jul 2009 Pdf
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