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In my analysis, I explore the mindset of public figures who evade accountability towards the general public. With a specific focus on climate change, I have carefully detailed indisputable facts, backed by credible sources, that suggest each household will face a financial strain of approximately £3000 by 2025. However, despite this alarming prediction, these individuals prioritize their personal interests, leading to devastating consequences such as families losing their homes, grappling with affordability issues, and the elderly suffering due to inadequate government support for the NHS.


The Climate Change Committee operates independently from the UK Parliament, raising concerns about accountability and conflicts of interest. Their faulty projections and deceptive advice could lead to significant financial consequences.

The government response to the Climate Change Committee (CCC)'s 2023 Annual Progress Report outlines the progress made since March’s Powering Up Britain publications and the ongoing efforts. Here are some key points from the response:

  1. The UK maintains one of the most ambitious targets in the G20, aiming to cut emissions by at least 68% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.
  2. The government addresses the CCC’s main concerns and responds to all recommendations.
  3. Progress toward net zero aligns with metrics outlined in the Net Zero Strategy The government is acting on 85% of the CCC’s priority recommendations and most of the remaining 273 recommendations, emphasizing the value of the CCC’s advice1

The CCC has only been summoned to Parliament once in the past three years, during a meeting with the Lords committee and former Chair, Lord Deben. Lord Deben shared the following information during this meeting.

“The structure is remarkably good. It has been remarkably resilient through all the years since its inception because its independence is guaranteed. It gives its advice to Parliament. When Parliament passes the budgets, which we have to produce, they become law and cannot be changed without reference to the Climate Change Committee, which would have to give permission were it to be changed.”

  • CCC now determines emissions targets, removing Parliament's control.
  • CCC is now the decision-maker for emissions targets, not Parliament.
  • CCC has taken over setting emissions targets, side-lining Parliament's control.

The CCC has had conflicts of interest issues since its inception and they now have a Conflicts of Interest Policy in place to address this.

“A set of circumstances by which a reasonable person would consider that an individual’s ability to apply judgement or act, in the context of delivering the CCC’s statutory duties is, or could be, impaired or influenced by another interest they hold.”

After investigation, I found that the CCC were making policy recommendations that could result in personal or organisational financial gain, is notable. These were my findings:

Former chairman Lord Deben, also known as John Selwyn Gummer,

Clear conflict of interests in 2013 when he continued to serve as chairman of a company involved in windfarm installations while serving as CCC chairman. He had promised to divest himself of such interests if chosen for the role and didn’t clearly deceiving the public.

In 2019, it was revealed that Lord Deben's family company, Sancroft International, was still receiving substantial payments from businesses in the environmental sector. These payments were not properly disclosed in the Register of Interests.

Sancroft provided advisory services to the government of Qatar, a major supplier of almost half of Britain's natural gas imports in 2020. Lord Deben criticized the Truss Government's proposal to lift the fracking ban and advocated for stricter limits on domestic production, suggesting the UK should rely more on imports. Again a clear signal that he wanted to line his own pockets at the public expense.

Dr. Rebecca Heaton

A CCC member from 2017 to 2021, resigned after it was discovered she was head of climate change at Drax, a bioenergy company. This was embarrassing as the CCC had endorsed bioenergy in a 2018 report, with Drax receiving over £5bn in subsidies for burning trees.

Former CEO Chris Stark

Endorsed a specific heat pump brand  Kensa  and deliberately hiding this by not entering it in the Register of Interests and tried to cover it up when he left.

Current CCC board members:

Baroness Brown, chair of the CCC’s adaptation sub-committee

Interests, including being a non-executive director of Ørsted, a Danish green energy group with multiple windfarms receiving UK consumer subsidies.

She also chairs the board of the Carbon Trust and is a non-executive director of Ceres Power, a company specializing in green hydrogen production.

Given the multiple directorships she holds in the green energy sector she has a clear conflict of interests and is not suitable as the chair or on the committee.

Dr. Ben Caldecott

The Lombard Odier Associate Professor of Sustainable Finance at Oxford University, is a member of the CCC. He is also the director of the Oxford Sustainable Finance Group, which is part of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment ("SSEE"). The SSEE receives support from prominent climate activist foundations

  • The Ashden Trust (led by the Rockefeller family).
  • The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (“CIFF”), set up by billionaire Chris Hohn.
  • The European Climate Foundation (“ECF”).
  • The Growald Family Fund.
  • The Rothschild Foundation


Dr. Caldecott holds various positions, such as being a member of the International Advisory Council for carbon credit trading exchange Climate Impact X. It could be inferred that his positions may be compromised if he does not align with the interests of the funding partners, potentially affecting his judgment.

Dr. Swenja Surminski, a member of the CCC, serves as the Managing Director of Climate and Sustainability at insurance giant Marsh McLennan and as a Professor in Practice at the Grantham Research Institute. Her financial ties to the climate agenda impact her impartiality and decision-making.

Several CCC members, including Professor Piers Forster, Professor Corinne Le Quéré, and Professor Nathalie Seddon, occupy high-ranking academic roles in climate-related fields.

The CCC appears to have a notable conflict of interest issue among its members, raising concerns about the impartiality of the advice they provide due to potential financial and social influences.

Misleading Models

  • With prices expected to drop significantly by 2050 from £45MWh to as low as £23/MWh, no contracts were awarded in the 2023.
  • The Government inexplicably increased its offer for offshore wind contracts to over £100/MWh after no contracts were awarded, highlighting the unrealistic nature of the original assumptions made by the CCC.
  • The CCC's assumed cost of £78/MWh for hydrogen production was also proven to be far off the mark, as the Government offered the industry £241/MWh, showing the significant discrepancies in cost projections.

 The impact of these errors is substantial, costing the country hundreds of billions of pounds, raising concerns about the accuracy of the carbon budget approved by Parliament.

In 2021, the CCC had used assumptions about the cost of electric vehicles (“EVs”). They had assumed the cost of small electric cars would drop to £13,000 by 2021, when in fact most cost at least £20,000 at that time. Parliament was misled as ministers based their estimates of the overall costs of “net zero” on the CCC’s assumptions. This adds around £1.8 trillion to the cost of “net zero.

The CCC's modelling showed fewer calm weather days, making it harder to achieve "net zero" emissions. By 2050, there would only be seven days with low wind turbine output, compared to at least 65 days in 2021. This would require backup power or storage solutions for windless days, leading to higher costs.


The Climate Change Committee  is independent from Parliament, they are individuals with vested interests, no accountability and creating flawed models that mislead Parliament about the true costs of achieving "net zero."

You can only draw one conclusion by immediately disbanding this corrupt group of narcissists like children in a sweet shop , stealing whatever they want knowing we will foot the bill.

Progress In Reducing UK Emissions 2023 Report To Parliament 1 Pdf
PDF – 17.2 MB 92 downloads

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